Madras Musings III - The Battle ov the ‘S’ ‘s

If I were to list down the things which engaged my interest and attention majorly during the time I spent a few days back in Madras , it would pretty much have to be :

1. ‘S’ambhar : I saw it everywhere . I smelled it everywhere and hell yeah ! I hogged on it everywhere . Starting from the minute I landed at Chennai Central and had a plate of the ‘ most authentic ‘ sambhar vada of Saravana Bhavan to the numerous sambhars concomitant with the dosas I had at breakfast and dinner time and to top it all the ubiquitous lunch item of sambhar rice . ‘Sambhar Slurpfest ‘ rules my gastronomic priorities hands-down :) here in Madras .

2. ‘S’ilica-Based Nanocomposites : Synthesis of nanosized particles of this material by high energy ball milling was the purported reason I was in Madras in the first place . Research work miles away from the insti. bang in the middle of a semester otherwise marked by an incredibly boring diurnal schedule of alternating between Gtalk ,Heavy Metal , hours of unproductive lectures / labs and the occasional sleep was a really welcome change .

3. ‘S’.. Hadn’t met this good friend of mine for four long months ! And when the opportunity finally came , busy schedules of ‘Work ’ forced both parties to limit the meeting to a fleeting time of 6-7 hrs .However , whoever said 6 hours wasn’t enough time to experience the vibrance of a major city was wrong !! Stopovers at S’s place ( where the sambhar slurpfest continued unabated :D in the disguise of homemade Southie food ) , Coffee Central ( an awesomeMAXX coffee bar in T.Nagar) , Gangotree Chat and offcourse watching the Sun set over the Bay of Bengal at Marina Beach to top it all . Thanks S , for making those 6 hrs the only truly ‘Happy Hours’ I had in an otherwise maddening work-dominated stay in Madras .

4. 'S'leep : Good ole sleep eluded me for 3 nights in a row . After just 7.5 hrs of sleep in over 3 days, on Sunday night , I felt like a walking and talking zombie and thought to myself , “ One more night like this and I am officially ‘DEAD’ “ .

5. 'S'un N 'S'and : The Sweltering Sun and the and the relentlessly humid weather in Madras left me wondering whether I would make it out safely from the city without dehydrating to death . I mean I know what humidity can do to you ( coming from Bombay i.e. ) but it’s a different story altogether here .

I managed to sneak in some time for Marina Beach ( with 'S' ) and Eliiot’s Beach ( with Shawshank ) and mind you for a guy who comes from Nagpur (which is right in the centre of the country far far away from any large water body :) ) the sight of the sea can bring an inexplicable amount of joy .

78 hours in Madras was hence basically a choice between spending time for one of the above S’s which thankfully at times was substituted for time with another S . And in this battle of the S’s , the combination of No.3 and No.5 win hands down :) .
I shall go now and get some of No.4 before I end up writing more mindless blah !

Cheerio ,
Count Grishnackh


Tyrant said...

Hmm..the 'S'outhie within Count Grishnackh has come alive with 'S'exy blogs one after another in his literary 'S'pree.

Sambhar out there is awesome man.I hate Rasam though.I once saw a man with a heap of rice in his plate.He carefully dug a pit in it,poured rasam over it and hogged the whole thing in a matter of minutes!

Man,only the sight of it made me lose my appetite for rasam for the rest of my life!!

Aditya said...
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Aditya said...

So true man..
The sight of sea and good company :P

Nikhil said...

@ Tyrant : Thanks !! Happy times always lead to a flood of thoughts , hence the result :) . And yeah , I can very well understand the trauma that sight of " The Man who hogged a plate of Rasam Rice in a few mins " must have resulted in :) .

@ Slash : Good company it was :) . However , the beach we guys went to ( Elliot's Beach ) was far far better than the one I went to this time ( Marina's Beach ). The latter was so fuckin full of ppl man :( !!

William Deng-Deng K. said...


Excuse me for that laugh-outburst. But Gangotree Chat sound so fucking funny. I don't know why, but it does. :D :D

Now. I'm sure No.3 wins hands down. Why did u even bother to include No.2 in the equation? :| No.2 and then No.3 immediately after that? Blasphemy. And Fuck, for a moment I thought u might just beat my sleep-record. But u didn't. :) I'm happy u sucked at it. :P

And I'm just wondering what dotdot might have commented before he deleted it and commented again? :P

Gangotree Chat! :D :D :D

B.Nickel said...

@ Deng : Agreed Gangotree Chat sounds funny , but I hardly think it merits a laughter outburst :) .
And FYI , dotdot passed out some shit in the first comment before coming back to senses and commenting the second time :D .

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