Curry-Bashing !!

CURRY BASHING : Local Term ( Aussie ) for the hate-attacks on Indians .

As i write this blog post , my brothers and sisters in Australia are going ' down under ' the ignominy of being the victims in horrendous racially-motivated attacks . In what seems to me like a ' Us-vs-Them ' conflict stemming from the xenophobic attitude among some of the Aussies who feel threatened by the overwhelming influence young skilled Indian Graduates are having on their economy , enough has been said by the Aussie Politicians about these incidents not being racially motivated but ‘opportunistic’ crimes against Indians who are primarily seen as a ‘soft & weak’ target . For a potent government , issuing such statements which strictly brands a section of the people as ‘ soft and weak ‘ is deplorable .
Yesterday in one of the newspapers I read that Aussie kids as young as 10-12 yrs of age have been reported to have called Indian adults by derogatory terms on the streets and other public places . The point I am trying to bring out here is that such incidents will become rampant in the future if these young kids are not sensitized to ‘racial equality’ in due course of time . I personally have no idea whether it is just Australia or that such events do occur in other countries and are going unnoticed . While some amount of distress on the part of the native population towards the foreigners is understandable , incidents of this kind wherein innocent Indians are stabbed brutally with a screwdriver are simply unacceptable . I pray for the welfare of the entire Indian student communtiy Down Under which is reeling under a cloud of fear and uncertainty right now and also hope that the Indian government and the youth take a strong stand on this event .


Tyrant said...

Hmmm..An aspect worth exploring could be whether these attacks were racial in nature at all.Or was it an act of extremists,quite similar to what happened to our Bihari brothers in Bombay??
In no way do I mean to justify these horrid crimes,they are a blot on humanity.But if we are not tolerant towards our own people,how can we expect the same from some other country!!

B.Nickel said...

@ Girish : I am not sure whether these attacks were racist in nature but i am not quite assuaged by the Aussie Govt's claims of this being just a case of ' OPPORTUNISTIC CRIME ' . And the instance of a 10 yr old kid calling Indians names is surely RACISM alright !
The case of Biharis in Bombay is one very gud pt. u brought up . We Indians cry foul when we are meted out with injustice abroad ( on racial basis ) but can't seem to root out the regional/caste/religion etc.etc. biases in our own backyard . Sad but True !

William Deng-Deng K. said...

its all very disrtubing. it just doesnt end! fuck man! where's all the peace gone? and as girish mentioned, we too should learn to be tolerant towards our brothers. the staunch maharashtrians hate the so-called "land invaders". if we have such discrimination on this small a scale, ie, on a national level, why, pray tell me, should i be surprised when i hear of similar incidents on an international scale?

Nikhil said...

@Popat : I know man ... We need to do some homework and firstly clear the mess in our backyard before we go about setting right the conditions elsewhere in the world .

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