Polyticks , a neologism derived from Politics, n: [Poly "many" + ticks "blood-sucking parasites"]

Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong. ~Richard Armour
It is the election season everywhere and here too in VNIT , the student council elections are scheduled for next week ( Considering our College’s notorious reputation for impunctuality , i wouldn’t be surprised if it is held 3-4 months later :P ). I , for one am really AMUSED by the scenario this year , primarily because my batchmates are the candidates in question and secondly , believe it or not a record number of 38 guys are fighting it out for just 10 ‘coveted’ posts of the VNIT Student Council .

The last statement would have definitely cracked you up ...in the sense . You are left wondering , either there are just too many guys who wish to stand up and make a difference to the college and it’s functioning or there are just far-too many attention-hungry , thoroughly-confused souls who wish to just add some zing to their not-so-happening college lives by this medium .

Here are a few famous quotes which rush to my mind whenever i think about the elections in VNIT and politics in general .

1. The general attitude of a VNIT student voter :

“ Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. “

2. My attitude as a VNIT student voter :

“ I'd like to vote for the best man, but he's not even a candidate. “

3. On receiving a mail cum manifesto of a candidate for the Acad. Sec stating categorically “ I do not want your vote , I would like to earn it “

“ In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant. “

4. My predicted reaction at 7.30 PM on the 13th of April 2009 when the results are finally announced :

“ When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.”

5. When posed with the question as to why , WHY IN GOD’S NAME would 38 guys from a single batch of students fight pointlessly for 10 posts , WHY again ??

“ There are far too many men in politics and not enough elsewhere.”

6. In general :

" During a campaign the air is full of speeches - and vice versa. "

In reference to Points 5 and 6 and after listening to many speeches in person by the various candidates as to how they would like to fight for the changes they had envisioned for a better VNIT , I wonder how these ‘CANDIDATES’ are suddenly infused with this newfound passion of reforming VNIT. Why couldn’t they take these issues ( which supposedly are so close to their heart )up individually at various times throughout the year . Why all of you and all of a sudden NOW ??

Note : the author wishes to convey his views which may or may not be POLITICALLY CORRECT and apologises to anybody offended ( subject to if any of the candidates ever read it i.e. ):P


Tyrant said...

Excellent one man!!Someone needed to take a dig at these chumps..However the disclaimer on your blog might be replaced by a more suitable one as follows:

All the characters mentioned in this blog are completely real and and any resemblance to any person in real in completely intentional and any offence taken by he or she wont be given a fuck for!!


William Deng-Deng K. said...

Fuck all man! Fuck all of those assholes. u know what? WE should be standing for all those posts. not them. fucking losers.

cheers btw.

William Deng-Deng K. said...

touche. touche. touche. fuck all!


Such! said...

Hmm...Closed Circuit Conversation I'm bounding into here.
So why is it that you guys should stand for the posts ;)

I'm highly amused.

Nikhil said...

I am not quite sure if i got ur question ... but if ur askin as to why some guys make a fool of themselves by 'STANDING UP' for these posts , it cud be : probably to feed on sallow popularity or to make their resume glossier in these troubled times ( by claiming to have held an imp. post in the coll. and assoc. crap !! )

Meher Anand said...

Hilarious man. Especially the quote “ When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.”. Nice work.

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