SLUMDOG sucks .......!!

Yes folks ........ SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE ...the same movie which won four golden globes and unfortunately may end up winning an OSCAR or two also ....!!

Few minutes into this 'celebrated' cinematic work and you realise it just isn't worth a quarter of the current hype . It is a gaudy mosaic of all the wrong things about Mumbai or India in general . I agree that there is no hiding from the truth and that the beggary and abject poverty depicted in the film is 100% true . But what annoys me is that while every coin has two sides Mr.Boyle has conveniently chosen to show only the side he feels would be heart-rendering and appealing to the audience in the West . Yes , the story is inspired by Vikas Swarup's Q & A which is set in Mumbai's slums and there would be no scope to show the 'economically-stable' part of India but the sheer inauthenticity of the film as a whole would be crystal clear to any person who truly knows 'Mumbai' and this is something which Mr.Boyle can do nothing about as he is not an Indian . In my opinion , he has hardly seen the 'Real India ' ( quoted from young Jamal's Dialogue in the Taj Mahal scene in this film ) !!!

And if the making of such an imperfect movie wasn't enough , the film continues to win awards everywhere which has led me to lose faith in these so called ' Institutions of Cinema ' which claim to award the best of the best in the realm of film-making . It’s a shame that the media hasn’t seen through this ruse and is hailing “Slumdog’s” Oscar nominations to no ends .

I have read enough of Danny Boyle and others associated with the movie saying that the movie is dedicated to Mumbai and India in particular . Every such statement of their's repulses me greatly as it is a CARICATURE ( no better word strikes me in this context ) of India's lagging third-world side masked under a pseudo-feel good-theme just to rake in a fortune and awards of course ....!!

Lastly , i sincerely wish that A.R. Rahman wins an Oscar. ( and that is something he deserves not for his work in 'Slumdog' which i personally feel is pretty ordinary compared to his several other earlier compositions )


William Deng-Deng K. said...

dude. it doesnt suck. definitely didnt deserve the golden globes though. but. its a decent movie with good direction and decent acting by everyone except anil kapoor who has sucked hard as he has always done. the hairy fuck-face (:P) .

Nikhil said...

Yes Mr.Deng . The title may not be 100 % apt , i agree. But its nt just the hairy fuckface :P but all the actors ( except the little kids ) whose mere presence onscreen is annoying !! Dev Patel is as British as he can get and absolutely nuthin he does can help him display the 'true' emotions and mannerisms of a SLUMDOG !!

William Deng-Deng K. said...

cmon! the direction is good. and the kids. they acted awesomely. and about dev patel. its a -hollywood-made- movie. and he's not as bad as u say he is (in the movie, ie.). and what mannerisms are u talking about? apart from the fact that an indian like jamal cant speak an english as fluent as that spoken by him on screen, everything else has been done and shown pretty decently if not perfectly.

Anonymous said...

yo balu!! nice post

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